Grace Alone Faith Alone Scripture Alone
We believe that God forgives individuals of their sins and saves them from eternal punishment by the goodness and free gift of His grace alone. People cannot earn forgiveness through any good works; rather, they depend on the mercy of God.
Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. His death was sufficient, effectual, and complete for the forgiveness of sins. We put our faith and trust in Jesus--that by His birth, life, death, and resurrection, we have the forgiveness of sins and hope of life everlasting. We do not rely on our own works to make us righteous, but trust that we are justified through faith in the righteousness of Christ.
We believe that Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Nothing is missing from the Scripture that is necessary for communicating the Gospel for the salvation of the world. It is trustworthy.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is a part of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod** (LCMS), a confessional Lutheran denomination. We are part of the historic, orthodox and universal Church that began with Christ and His Apostles. We hold to the Word of God as revealed in Scripture and as affirmed in the Lutheran Confessions.
**The word “Synod” in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod comes from Greek words that mean “walking together.” The term has rich meaning in our church body because congregations voluntarily choose to belong to the Synod.

We Welcome Everyone to Walk the Way of GRACE!
The Way of Grace is to GROW with Jesus, REJOICE in God, ANSWER with hope, CARE for the neighbor, and EMBRACE community.
We walk in this way in our individual lives, in our common life with our neighbors, in our shared life in our various communities, and even to the world at large as God sends us.
God has a plan FOR OUR LIVES, and so we teach how to walk in the path of Jesus Christ; FOR OUR NEIGHBORHOODS, and so we work to build healthy and thriving communities; FOR OUR CITY, and so we share life with our neighbors in Walltown, Trinity Park, Duke, and the Triangle; and FOR OUR WORLD, and so we go with Good News.